Call us: 0372.99.33.99
- Number of equipements
- Interventions at client's office
- Remote desktop sessions
- Phone and e-mail helpdesk
- Time for answering requests
- Time for going on-site
- IT consulting and management
- Security policies
- Backup system
- Hosting for website and email
- Special prices for equipments
- Discount for graphic design
- Discount for web services
- Number of equipementsup to 10
- Interventions at client's office2
- Remote desktop sessions10
- Phone and e-mail helpdesk
- Time for answering requests1 hour
- Time for going on-site4 hours
- IT consulting and management
- Security policies
- Backup system
- Hosting for website and email3 GB
- Special prices for equipments
- Discount for graphic design5 %
- Discount for web services5 %
- Number of equipements11 - 20
- Interventions at client's office3
- Remote desktop sessions20
- Phone and e-mail helpdesk
- Time for answering requests1 hour
- Time for going on-site3 hours
- IT consulting and management
- Security policies
- Backup system
- Hosting for website and email5 GB
- Special prices for equipments
- Discount for graphic design10 %
- Discount for web services10 %
- Number of equipements21 - 50
- Interventions at client's office4
- Remote desktop sessions30
- Phone and e-mail helpdesk
- Time for answering requests30 min
- Time for going on-site2 hours
- IT consulting and management
- Security policies
- Backup system
- Hosting for website and email10 GB
- Special prices for equipments
- Discount for graphic design15 %
- Discount for web services15 %
- Number of equipements51 - 100
- Interventions at client's office5
- Remote desktop sessions40
- Phone and e-mail helpdesk
- Time for answering requests30 min
- Time for going on-site2 hours
- IT consulting and management
- Security policies
- Backup system
- Hosting for website and email20 GB
- Special prices for equipments
- Discount for graphic design20 %
- Discount for web services20 %